Jemini's Kachina Doll
Sire: Alabai Valley Keanu
Clear through Optimal Selection
Hips: Too Young
Elbows: Too Young
Kona is available with her AKC papers for $1500 to an approved home. She can also go on co-own or to a guardian home for $1000 on the condition we get 1-2 litters from her totaling 10 puppies.
Kona came from a breeder in Oregon. She has a solid start on goats before coming and integrated into our flock of sheep with ease. She is a very good LGD and protective of her flock. Her sire is from Alabai Valley, his grandpa was a half sibling to Dasha from Soul Of Asia Kennel out of Panda. His sire was Russian import Imran. Kona's mom is out of two Russian imports. Kona has a nice head and lots of little freckles.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this girl and she would never be considered for another home if it were not for the fact that we also own her full sister. We like her sister a little more structurally and would like to have room for an unrelated dog. Kona is perfect with our sheep, other dogs, free range poultry, cats, etc. She walks on a leash and has been socialized in public. She is protective of her sheep and property.