Showest Rabbitry
Welcome to our Rabbitry page located at Showest Farm. We offer Pedigreed English Angora and Lionheads from Show Lines. Please follow us on Facebook for updates and availability. All live rabbits all sold on contract.
Our Rabbit Breeds

We focus on a Smoke Pearl breeding program for our lionheads. We can get Black, Siamese Sable, REW, Seal and Smoke Pearls for Showable Colors. Sometimes we may also have Torts. We also have a small project herd focusing on Pointed White and Agouti Lionheads. We can also get some showable colors in these projects including Tort, Chocolate, Black and REW. We strive for friendly temperaments in our Lionhead lines as many from Show Lines can be overly reserved or even outright aggressive. We offer Show and Brood quality rabbits who are Pedigreed to Show/Breeding Homes and sometimes offer Pet Quality Rabbits without Pedigrees to pet homes. Our Price Range for Lionheads is between $75-$100 depending on the rabbit.
English Angoras
We focus on Showable Colors from some of the top Show Lines in the USA, including KM, Woodland Woolies and more. Our rabbits have correct wool density and pretty easy to manage wool. We get Black, Blue, Lilac, Chocolate, Tort, Sable, Pointed White and Sable Pearl in our program. We do not breed for Vienna or other non-showable colors as rabbits from pet lines often have incorrect coats that are impossible to maintain without keeping shaved, have poor structure and many have incorrect temperaments. Our EA have the sweet and curious puppy dog like personalities the breed is known for. We offer Show and Brood quality rabbits who are Pedigreed to Show/Breeding Homes and offer Pet Quality Rabbits without Pedigrees to pet or fiber homes. Our Price for English Angoras is $100.
Meat Rabbits
We breed New Zealands and New Zealand Mixes for meat for our farm. We sell our hides, ears and feet to a dog treat company and keep the meat for ourselves. We do not sell rabbit meat for human consumption to the public. We usually keep all of our meat kits to grow out for our own needs but occasionally we can offer a breeding pair or trio to families wanting to start raising meat for their own homes. We do not offer pedigrees on these rabbits and do not offer any as Show Quality. We only offer meat rabbits in pairs or trios. We do not sell lone rabbits. Price is $50 per rabbit.
Youth Discounts
We are happy to offer discounted Show Quality Rabbits to support 4H and FFA youths. We only offer rabbits who will excel on the show table and have great type and personalities. We are also happy to support youths who wish to show in ARBA, whether it is providing a quality rabbit to show or assisting in providing or finding quality breeding stock. Please reach out for availability.
Raw & Feeder Rabbits
For people who feed raw to their dogs/cats/etc, we can offer grow-outs for people needing a supply of raw rabbits. We can offer either whole prey or dressed. Dressed will be priced accordingly and labeled Not for Human Consumption.
For people with reptiles needing a supply of feeders, we offer kits of various ages.
Rabbits offered for Raw or Feeders can be any breed we offer, depending on what we have available. Any rabbits/kits leaving for pet consumption will be bagged and frozen for a minimum of 72 hours before pickup. We do not offer live rabbits.
Please contact for prices.